Member-only story
The Law of Sacrifice
Do you understand the law of sacrifice? What are you willing to give up? What will it take for you to get to the next level? Success costs and to be successful in your business you will have to let things go. To build wealth you have to change your spending habits. To lose weight you have to change your eating habits. That calls for sacrifice. People don’t want to sacrifice. They want it all by gaining everything without losing anything.
It doesn’t work that way. To learn how to swim you have to jump in the water and to learn how to ride a bike you must be willing to fall. To be successful in business you need to work. That means sacrificing time, money, and your energy. Entrepreneurs will work 80 hours per week to avoid getting a 40-hour-a-week job. Now that is sacrifice.
The Law of Sacrifice
The Law of Sacrifice states that to gain something of greater value you have to give something up of lesser value. Simple concept but hard to implement. If you want to read an hour every day you have to give up something. It could be TV, social media, video games, or sleep. That hour has to come from somewhere.
Do you want to become debt-free? What are you willing to give up? If you are deep in debt keeping the same spending habits will not solve your problem. More income will not solve your problem. Becoming frugal, eliminating expenses, and coming up with a debt pay-down plan is the solution. Are you willing to give up short-term pleasures to become…