Keep Pushing Forward

Charles Fitzgerald Butler
4 min readAug 31, 2023

August 30, 2023 by Charles Fitzgerald Butler

Keep pushing forward until something happens. Recently I was involved in the launch of a new affiliate marketing program. The launch was excellent for me: 21 sales in 24 hours. It has been 60 days into the launch and there have been growing pains. The company has grown too fast for the current staff to handle support. Changes were made and a partner has dropped out.

There was a live event and someone pulled out and almost crushed this company. But the owners pushed forward and in two days put the event together and it was successful… Despite lightning striking the house, servers going, down, and electricity going out in parts of the mansion.

As of today that affiliate marketing company is thriving. This is not a story about that company. It is a story about pushing forward. Bad things are going to happen to you when you are in business. It is up to you to turn those things around.

Entrepreneurs keep pushing forward no matter what. They stay focused on the result and clear on the outcome. They know their target. You are an entrepreneur. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you are not a business. You must keep moving ahead to reach your goals.

You Must Produce

Unlike your job where you are guaranteed a paycheck for just showing up. You must produce in your business. Unless you make sales you will be broke. You will lose clients, people will ask for refunds, and not everyone will like…



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