10.5 Things To Do Before You Escape Your Day Job

Charles Fitzgerald Butler
7 min readSep 13, 2023

Hey, before you escape your day job and give your boss the middle finger, there are some things you need to do. Don’t get caught up in the sexiness of quitting and don’t get swayed by the gurus, the late-night infomercials, the magic pills, or push-button microwave instant riches schemes. Don’t expect to hit the lotto right away. Instant gratification will destroy your dreams of entrepreneurship.

Successful athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs have put in the time, sweat, energy, and long hours to become the top in their fields. People fail to realize that they have had many setbacks, and most had meager beginnings. Athletes train for years before they get paid. Entertainers waited on tables or worked security jobs when they went to auditions. Entrepreneurs had failed marketing campaigns before they made their money.

It will take the same effort on your part. You are not trying out for a pro team or movie part. But your goals are just as important. You will have to WORK (yes, I said the W word) and take that long arduous grind to become the best you can be.

It will take time for your business to grow. It doesn’t happen overnight. You will wear more hats in your business and if you drop the ball you don’t make money. Don’t quit because you haven’t made a sale or you didn’t meet anyone at the networking event. How long did it take for you to learn your position at your job?

10.5 Things To Do Before You Escape Your Day Job



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